Seminars and events

Date and place Event name Speakers
at 15-30 
conference hall, building 2
Research and educational seminar of TS department of USATU "Mathematics of quantum mechanics. Quantum properties of non-quantum communication channels" M.R. Musakaev, PhD student, research fellow at USATU, research fellow at Dresden University of Technology (Germany)
at 14-00
room 400
Physics and Mathematics building of BashSU
Lecture "Modeling blood flow: From single cells to intricate multi-cell interactions" by D.A. Fedosov (Institute of Complex Systems, Research Center Julich, Germany)
The information about D.A. Fedosov and his research can be found on website.
D.A. Fedosov
at 18-00 
room 1-442
Seminar "Travel report" Professor
N.H. Ibragimov,
L.R. Galiakberova,
E.V. Makarevich,
A.M. Araslanov
at 11-00
room 1-442
Seminar on oscillation theory Professor
 V.A. Baikov
at 15-00 
room 1-442
Seminar on theory of group analysis s.s.
A.A. Kasatkin
at 11-00
room 1-442
Seminar on oscillation theory Professor
 V.A. Baikov
at 15-00 
room 1-442
Seminar on theory of group analysis s.s.
A.A. Kasatkin
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