18.12.2013 18:46

A laboratory of three-dimensional visualization of results of mathematical and computer modeling was established at USATU on the basis of GAMMETT. The stand of 3D-visualization allows one to work directly with 3D-models and display them in real time. High quality interactive 3D visualization is used for scientific and educational purposes, for virtual simulation and prototyping of various processes and objects. Modern technologies of 3D-visualization give a possibility for a wide application of the laboratory capabilities in educational and scientific purposes.

13.12.2013 15:06
From 18 till 25 November, 2013 Professor Nail H. Ibragimov and Elena.D. Avdonina visited Brock University in Canada as active participants in the VIS program.

During their stay in Broc together with members of the faculty, Professor Stefan Anko and Professor Thomas Wolfe were initiated research and obtained new results on group analysis of Krichever-Novikov equation.

Also they participated in the seminar «Applied and integrable PDEs» November 19, 2013 with the talks:
Nail H.Ibragimov "Conserved vector associated with symmetries and exact solutions of PDEs obtained using conservation laws".
Elena D. Avdonina "Exact solutions of partial differential equations obtained by conservation laws".
12.12.2013 13:49
The information about next conferences is renewed on the website. If you would like to take part in conferences please send the information to email: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .
14.11.2013 11:22

The laboratory staff congratulates Vodopyanov Vladimir Vasilyevich with а Birthday and wishes happiness and prosperity, strong health, new achievements and success in all dealings!

10.11.2013 10:09
Presentations of reports from the international conference MOGRAN 16 is published on the website.
23.10.2013 16:38
The cycles of lectures on using of methods of group analysis in mathematical modeling will be held on October 24 - November 1, 2013. Lectures will be held in room 1-409 at 16-10.
23.10.2013 15:35

Our warm wishes to Gainetdinova Aliya with a Birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck! Most importantly, we wish you happiness without measure every day!

22.10.2013 10:06
From the bottom of our heart the laboratory staff wishes Artur Yuldashev Happy Birthday! We wish you lots of happiness and a wonderful Birthday!
19.10.2013 12:55

From the bottom of our heart the laboratory staff wishes Babkov Oleg Konstantinovich Happy Birthday! We wish you health and wealth, a lot of success and all the best!

17.10.2013 20:04
The laboratory staff whole-heartedly congratulates Araslanov Artur with а Birthday! We wish you healthy times and wealth, pure joy and many friends! Happy Birthday!
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