About laboratory
A laboratory for research in the field of mathematical modelling and group analysis of differential equations under the supervision of the leading scientist in this field, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor Nail H. Ibragimov was set up at USATU on October 20th, 2011 under the decree of the government of the Russian Federation.



Activities at GAMMETT have four major closely connected to each other directions.


1. Research: development of symmetry methods in mathematical modeling.


2. Applications: mathematical modeling of real-world problems, arising in industry, medicine, ecology, etc. using both analytical and computational methods. We also develop computer algebra packages that implement methods of modern group analysis.


3. Education: new courses in mathematics with elements of symmetry analysis for engineers, students and teachers as well as advanced courses in analytical methods of investigation of mathematical models.


4. Dissemination: information on latest developments in the field of group analysis and its applications in mathematical modeling and availability of the classical heritage of group analysis to the scientific community. This is accomplished, in particular, by means of the online databaseonline database created and constantly updated by the Laboratory.


The aim of the laboratory


The aim of the laboratory is to develop the scientific school of USATU in the field of new methods of modern group analysis and their application for constructing and investigating mathematical models of physical, chemical and biological processes, technical systems and technologies.




Computer classroom of the laboratory is equipped with modern computer workstation with specialized mathematical software (Maple, MapleSim, Mathematica, Matlab, etc.).


3D visualization system allows one to work directly with 3D-models and display them in real time. High quality interactive 3D visualization is used for scientific and educational purposes, for virtual simulation and prototyping of various processes and objects.


Supercomputer of USATU is equipped with the appropriate software (simulation packages ANSYS, STAR-CCM +, DEFORM 3D, SIMULIA Abaqus). We are developing the technology of using supercomputer systems with graphics processors.